Be the office of inclusive support, encourage and promote entrepreneurship and the creation of Spin-off Companies University, with a technological basis in order to promote the development and innovation of the country's business, as an extension of the duty to be of the University.
The Office of Innovation Support G NIUS, is to integrate and link, the academic sector with the productive sectors, providing solutions relevant to the formation of work teams university, which allowed for the creation of the Spin-off of University and enterprise development based on processes of research, development and innovation.
Support companies that are capable of generating intellectual property, patents and innovation at the service of business development and productive of The Savior.
Providing advice on financial services, legal, administrative, and intellectual property.
Technical assistance
Provide support in the validation of the business idea, and assisting in the process of building a company spin-off.
Learn the different techniques or strategies to study the behavior of the markets.
Who are we?
Gnius (Generating Novel Research Useful to Society), the main function is to achieve the transfer of technological knowledge to the society by means of a change in the processes of research, which allows the results to become a product profiling to solve a technological problem.
Every entrepreneur can make use of our facilities:
Transform your idea into a business, we will advise you...
Find out our activities
Editorial illustration for educational books
Te invitamos a que veas la ponencia de la licenciada Liseth Callejas, en la que explica qué es la […]
Illustration, narrative, painting, and tells
Te invitamos a ver la ponencia del licenciado Óscar Cornejo, donde explica basándose en su experiencia, qué es la […]
Importance of mathematics in engineering and architecture
Math is present in our daily lives, are the ones that are with us even in our decisions and we [...]
Implementing Web services using ASP Net with IIS
Te invitamos a ver la ponencia del ingeniero Kirio Ventura, en la que aprenderás qué es un WebService, cuáles […]
Modeling NoSQL Database
Te invitamos a ver la ponencia del ingeniero Orlando Girón, en la que explica qué es una base de […]
Regulations Electrical
Te invitamos a ver la ponencia del ingeniero Julio Rosales, en la que conocerás para qué sirve la puesta […]